
  • © Janosch Jansen

Ein Schatten unserer Selbst

Hysterisches Globusgefühl

This evening takes you into the world between light and shadow. Together with the performers of Hysterisches Globusgefühl, the audience enters a shady, shimmering realm in the Ballhaus Ost hall and explores the grey areas.

Deeply disappointed by political conditions and private contexts, the collective seems to be a mere shadow of its former self. But it’s not supposed to stay that way! Instead of sinking resignedly into the depths of disappointment, they make this feeling their own, illuminating and dissecting it. They enter the infinite space of possibility of a two-dimensional world that oscillates between the poles of light and dark. They emerge from their limited, carnal shells; clear contours and social orders blur and merge into mere outlines. Immersed in voices, forms and sounds, fuelled by ideas and fantasies, they search for a utopian form of existence. In their struggle with reality, they feel a longing for real contact.

The audience is invited to follow the performers into an aesthetic, ecstatic, clandestine world between light and darkness, to step into the shadows with them and then out again.


The performance collective Hysterisches Globusgefühl (Berlin/Vienna) are wholeheartedly and in solidarity with their artistic work against the heteronormative patriarchy and develop utopias for an anti-racist, classless, queerfeminist and respectful future. At the centre of their work is the question of conscious action, political interaction and global malaise. They turn the streets into a theatre stage and the theatre into a stage for political debate. Driven by the search for alternative possibilities, they deal with forms of protest, the aesthetics of subcultures and questions of social coexistence.



The performance collective Hysterisches Globusgefühl is currently learning how performances can be made more accessible and how a relaxed atmosphere can be created in this sense. In addition to the information provided by Ballhaus Ost, more detailed information about the play and the evening’s program will be added later.


  • Nov 28, 2024
Past Dates
  • Nov 28, 2024
  • Nov 29, 2024
  • Nov 30, 2024
  • Dec 01, 2024


15 | 10 Euro
Tickets can be purchased by phone, mail or online.
For online tickets, 13% presale fee and 2,- Euro service fee are charged in addition to the basic ticket price by the provider Reservix.


80 minutes



Concept, performance

Hysterisches Globusgefühl (Elisabeth Lindig, Lea-Sophie Schiel, Arne Schirmel, Laura Steinl, Melanie Zipf)

Stage, costumes

Sarah Hoemske

Light, technical management

Dirk Lutz


Sky Deep

Photos, Design

Janosch Jansen


Larissa Gulitz

Press-/ PR

Kerstin Böttcher

Artistic consulting shadow theater

Larissa Jenne

Production management

ehrliche arbeit – freies Kulturbüro

A production by Hysterisches Globusgefühl in cooperation with Ballhaus Ost and with the support of Schwankhalle Bremen. Funded by the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion.