
Dramen der Gegenwart #2

Verband der Theaterautor:innen (VTheA)

The Festival »Dramen der Gegenwart #2« takes a look at the diversity and qualities of contemporary theater texts. A total of around 20 theater texts will be presented in a broad spectrum of forms.

Three play commissions/own productions show performative collaborations between authors and artists from other disciplines. In four staged readings – presented by an ensemble of authors – a broad spectrum of contemporary theater texts is presented. A drama parcours offers insights into new scenic texts that are still in the making.

The kickoff is a poetics impulse with reflections on the present of dramatic art. The text presentations will be supplemented by workshop talks, discursive panels and discussions – for example on the age gap in contemporary drama or on paths to authorship. A total of around 45 authors and artists are participating in the festival.

Saturday Program:
10:00 Caffeine Drama – Reading Speed Dating I
12:00 Writing Chamber vs. Writers’ Room
13:00 Pearls & Swine – A Drama Parcours
18:00 Poetics Pulse
19:00 The Playwright Is Present I & II – The Writers’ Ensemble
21:00 The Playwright Is Present III & IV – The Authors’ Ensemble

Sunday Program:
10:00 Caffeine Drama – Reading Speeddating II
12:00 Collision 1: “Couple IV”
12:30 Collisions 2: “visible only when viewed. chance encounters”
13:00 Collisions 3: “HOMOSPHERE”
14:30 Ways and detours to authorship
16:00 Conclusion Dramas of the Present #2


Der Verband der Theaterautor:innen (the Association of Theater Authors) which now has around 120 members, aims to promote the visibility of dramatic art. Under a constantly evolving concept of the author, it brings together playwrights across all boundaries of form, style, and language.


More info about the event on the festival page

N O T E:
Unfortunately, parts of the event are only accessible via stairs and therefore not barrier-free.
Please contact us by mail to production @ if you need assistance.

Past Dates
  • Sep 09, 2023
  • Sep 10, 2023


Saturday 15 | 12 Euro
Sunday 12 | 9 Euro



Participating authors and artists

Sivan Ben Yishai, Henning Bochert, Anne Brammen, Nine Budde, Guy Cohavi, Luis Dekant, Sarah Amanda Dulgeris, Feelings, Annett Gröschner, Amir Gudarzi, Willi van Hengel, Bernd Isele, Amit Jacobi, Christina Kettering, Milena Kipfmüller, Mieke Matzke (She She Pop), Mazlum Nergiz, Maxi Obexer, Once We Were Islands, Alexandra Pâzgu, Kathrin Röggla, Ivana Sajko, Katharina Schlender, Daniel Schrader, Gerhild Steinbuch, Ginka Steinwachs, Ralph Tharayil, Christine Umpfenbach, Alexandra Zidariu, Katharina Ziemke u. v. m.

Artistic direction

Paul Brodowsky, Vera Schindler

Conception and curation

Carsten Brandau, Paul Brodowsky, Charlotte Luise Fechner, Florian Fischer, Tilla Lingenberg, Lea Mantel, Vera Schindler, Katharina Schlender


Carsten Brandau, Tilla Lingenberg, Lea Mantel, Katharina Schlender

Room design

Katharina Ziemke


Uli Cluss


Florian Wacker


Kerstin Böttcher

Technical direction

Björn Stegmann

Production management

Jasna Witkoski

A festival of the Verband der Theaterautor:innen in cooperation with Ballhaus Ost and the Literarische Colloquium Berlin. Supported by the Hauptstadtkulturfonds.