
  • © Immanuel Hick

  • © Immanuel Hick

Theaterfilm-Festival: »Autistische Spiele«

46’, dt./engl. with dt./engl. ST 


Through the careful yet distanced observation of his autistic brother, visual artist and director Tobias Yves Zintel tells of the intrusion of the radically different and the non-semanticizable into the protective space of the family. Together with the psychiatrist and author Przemek Zybowski, he analyzes the spectrum that opens up between the poles of “healthy” and “sick”. In the biographical detail, the relationship of a “sick” brother to his family, the social figure of the autist becomes visible as an allegory for the proclamation of the unspeakable in the current public discourse.


To the entire Festival-program

Past Dates
  • Jun 19, 2022


Juno Meinecke, Lulu Obermayer, Janet Rothe, Tamara Saphir, Rasmus Slätis, Simo Vassinen


Tobias Yves Zintel


Przemek Zybowski

Stage & Costume Design

Sabina Moncys


Mi Anh Chi Trinh


Murena Murens, Mi Anh Chi Trinh

Light Design & Technical Management

Fabian Eichner

Director's Assistence

Kallia Kefala

Scenography Assistence

Mara Gruß

Production Management

Immanuel Hick


Annett Hardegen

A production by Tobias Yves Zintel | Przemek Zybowski in cooperation with Ballhaus Ost. Supported by the Hauptstadtkulturfonds and the Bezirksamt Pankow von Berlin, Amt für Weiterbildung und Kultur – Fachbereich Kunst und Kultur.