
  • © Grigory Shklyar

  • © Grigory Shklyar

Theaterfilm-Festival: »Der DJ ist mein Vater«

100’ dt./ engl./ bulg. with engl. ST 

DE, 2021


An adult daughter searches for her deceased father, searches for stories – and the patriarchy in herself. She stages a dream-like journey with theater, music and film, during which strange and humorous, blurry and distressing moments ask for father traces in the daughter’s existence. In this game of forgetting, holding on and letting go, she encounters questions: about her own female socialized self, about origin, social class, ideas of achievement, beauty, love, sexuality and emotional education. What belongs to her, what to her father, what to both, what to time? And is she really alone?


To the entire Festival-program

Past Dates
  • Jun 17, 2022


Lisa Marie Stojčev, Rahel Hutter, Grigory Shklyar

Text & Director

Lisa Marie Stojčev


Rahel Hutter

Camera & Editing

Grigory Shklyar

Stage, Costume Design & Make Up

Marilena Büld


BAMBI BAMBULE (Marie Jordan & Lisa Marie Stojčev)

Dramaturgical Support

Anna Volkland

2. Camera & Light

Lena Krenz

Sound & Editing

Niklas Kraft

Stage & Costume Assistence

Leander Kreissl

Recording Management

Konstantin Bez

Produktion Management

ehrliche arbeit–freies kulturbüro

Public Relations


A BAMBI BAMBULE production in co-production with E-Werk Freiburg and TD Berlin. Supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, Landesverband Freie Tanz- und Theaterschaffende Baden-Württemberg e.V , with funds from the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts of the State of Baden-Württemberg and the Cultural Office of the City of Freiburg.