
Labor Sonor

Heather Frasch + Parallax | Zacarias Maia | Sophie Watzlawick + Marcello S. Busato

Heather Frasch + Parallax »Atmospheric Ghosts Lights II«
– Break-
Zacarias Maia »my homage to the new complexity«
»Two directions«
– Break –
Sophie Watzlawick + Marcello S. Busato »Où ces limites qui nous guettent, se mettent à vaciller« 


The first edition of the 2024 LABOR SONOR concert series presents the impressive collaboration »Atmospheric Ghosts Lights II«  by Berlin composer Heather Frasch with the Norwegian trio Parallax. Sophie Watzlawick shows her brand new 16mm analog film »Où ces limites qui nous guettent se mettent à vaciller«  [When the boundaries that threaten us begin to waver] – accompanied by percussionist Marcello Silvio Busato. The Basel percussionist and performer Zacarias Maia formulates a rolling homage to the “new complexity” from aluminum foil and everyday objects.


Labor Sonor – the series for experimental music, film and performance – presents the spectrum of current experimental forms beyond genre-specific definability – from real-time music to electronics, performance, audiovisual formats, conceptual music, new composed music and experimental pop.

Past Dates
  • Apr 22, 2024


13 | 9 Euro
For online tickets, 13% presale fee and 2,- Euro service fee are charged in addition to the basic ticket price by the provider Reservix.


2 hours


Language no problem


Heather Frasch—Objects + Parallax: Torstein Lavik Larsen—Trumpet/Electronic + Are Lothe Kolbeinsen—Guitars + Ulrik Ibsen Thorsrud—Percussion, Zacarias Maia—Percussion/Performance, Sophie Watzlawick—Film + Marcello S. Busato—Percussion 

Labor Sonor

Fernanda Farah, Christian Kesten, Andrea Neumann, Arthur Rother, Derek Shirley


A production by Labor Sonor in cooperation with Ballhaus Ost. Funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion, open funding for festivals and series.