Info for artists

Ballhaus Ost cooperates with many artists, accompanies them in the application process, announces the plays in the program and organizes the performances. There is no artistic ensemble (see team) and no program budget. The artists produce their works with independently acquired funding and in their own administrative and artistic structures.


For new collaborations, project proposals are welcome to be emailed, please at least six weeks prior to a submission deadline. It is helpful if the request includes information about the proposed project, the people involved, funding, and, if applicable, previous work and a time window for possible performances. We support it when artists collaborate with different venues in Berlin, but wish for transparent communication.


The program directors Anne Brammen, Ozi Ozar and Daniel Schrader select the projects according to their interests as curators and viewers. Among other things, themes, aesthetics, play styles and spatial concepts play a role. They meet regularly for program meetings, review new requests, and get back to each other with questions or a proposed date for getting to know each other.


On 2.9. 14:00-15:00 we invite you to the Info-Zoom: Ozi Ozar, Anne Brammen and Daniel Schrader will present Ballhaus Ost and cooperation possibilities with regard to the next application deadlines. Please register by 1.9. at Thank you and see you then!