
  • © Ainissa V

  • © Ainissa V

Planet Lubunya 

İrem Aydın

Get ready to leave earthly affairs behind and start a new journey into space. The world is cancelled and we are offering you a safer space in space. If it sounds scary, no need to worry. You will be accompanied by experts facilitating your integration into the unknown system — a cryptic system that requires mysterious missions to unlock as we Traverse hitherto unexplored language and motion. Our target is the ultimate utopia called »Planet Lubunya«. Hurry up and take your seats in the spaceship. This is an emergency take off.  


»Planet Lubunya« was initiated by İrem Aydın (Berlin) and Efe Durmaz (İstanbul) in 2020 as a format for digital solidarity between queer people in Turkey and Germany. It now takes off as a theater production with (mainly) Berlin based artists and is heading towards interstellar collaborations with artists from a multitude of places.  


  • Oct 08, 2022
Past Dates
  • Oct 08, 2022
  • Oct 09, 2022


Both shows are SOLD OUT.


90 minutes


English with German, Turkish, Lubunca, Arabic, Korean


BolBola aka Michael(a) Daoud, Queen of Virginity, David JongSung Myung, Valli Sefa Okutan & Olympia Bukkakis and Cameo by Kübra Uzun (on screen)

Artistic Direction & Director

İrem Aydın




İrem Aydın, Efe Durmaz

Dramaturgy, Choreography

Kareth Schaffer

Stage & Costume Design

Kallia Kefala

Project consultant, scriptwriting and translation

Liv Katny

Sound design

Gizem Oruç aka 6zm

Film director

Efe Durmaz

Video & Graphic design

Ainissa V

Project assistance

Pegah Keshmirshekan

Stage & Costume collaboration

Aleix Llussà Lòpez

Technical Direction & Light

Fabian Eichner

Production Management

Tine Elbel


Mayra Wallraff

A production by İrem Aydın in cooperation with Ballhaus Ost. Supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of NEUSTART KULTUR.