
  • © Geoffroy Grison


Björnsson / Marx

Who the fuck is Bodo? Bodo is 59, has no musical training, can’t read music and barely passed the subject music at the Polytechnische Oberschule with a D. In 2014, Bodo completed his third album, on which he composed all the tracks himself. Using the computer software GarageBand, he recorded the part of each instrument note by note over a period of seven years and then edited each note until it sounded exactly the way he wanted it to.
Based on Bodo’s music and story, the musicians and performers Thorbjörn Björnsson, Daniel Dorsch, Michael Hoppe, Sabrina Ma and Laura Robles explore dilettantism as a creative force and aesthetic strategy. The album North End, which Bodo composed under the artist name Porridge, serves as their musical material. What happens when professional musicians meet dilettantish music? What frictions, what synergies and associations can arise?
In a world full of experts, this music theatre evening wants to take up the cudgels for the dilettante who has the courage to be creative on his or her own initiative, crossing professional and genre boundaries.


Since 2018, Thorbjörn Björnsson and Julia Marx have been forming the music theater duo Björnsson / Marx. Together they develop music theater pieces whose themes often move at the interface between the everyday and the existential, the intimate and the abstract.


N O T E :
There is a very loud moment in the play for which earplugs are available on site.


  • Oct 20, 2023
Past Dates
  • Oct 20, 2023
  • Oct 21, 2023
  • Oct 22, 2023


15 | 10 Euro
For online tickets, 13% presale fee and 2,- Euro service fee are charged in addition to the basic ticket price by the provider Reservix.


75 minutes


German with English surtitles

Direction, performance

Thorbjörn Björnsson

Text, dramaturgy

Julia Marx

Percussion, performance

Sabrina Ma

Bass, cajón, performance

Laura Robles

Electronics, performance

Daniel Dorsch

Piano, performance

Michael Hoppe

Stage, costumes

Björnsson / Marx


Henning Streck

Light assistence

Lili Anschütz

Collaboration light, stage and costumes

Katri Saloniemi


Jonas Albani

A production by Björnsson / Marx in cooperation with Ballhaus Ost.
Supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds of the Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien im Rahmen von NEUSTART KULTUR and the Bezirksamt Pankow von Berlin, Amt für Weiterbildung und Kultur – Fachbereich Kunst und Kultur.