Content note | Trigger warning (PLEASE READ)
The performance lasts about 90 minutes and takes place in a darkened theater space. You are invited to let the intense, sensual impressions take effect on you. Before the performance, people in the audience who can see will be asked to put on a blindfold (sleep mask) for the duration of the performance. If this situation is too uncomfortable, it is possible to remove the blindfold at any time on your own.
Not being able to see or being in darkness can cause discomfort under certain circumstances. There is always the possibility to take off the blindfold and/or to indicate this by hand signals. If this is the case, the contact person present will address you. We generally advise people who have traumatic experiences with darkness and not being able to see (e.g. due to near-death experiences, war experiences, being locked up) not to attend the performance.
During the performance there are intense sensory experiences, which may include the following:
Smells: Intense smells occur during the performance, both synthetic and natural.
Sounds: intense and loud sounds and music occur during the performance. Sound is generated from many different sources.
Phonetically, topics that may be upsetting to some people are brought up, along with many other topics. These include: Descriptions of violence, sexual acts, bullying, exclusion based on identifying characteristics, danger.
The performers will not intentionally touch the audience, but may come close.
There may be a sense of disorientation or loss of control due to the combination of artistic means combined with blindfolding.
We would like to invite you to an intense, pleasant and multi-layered experience.
Corona information
The ventilation system of Ballhaus Ost will be on during the performance. Ballhaus Ost recommends wearing a mask. You may choose to wear your mask during the performance. It is possible to get a surgical mask on site. The safety distances of 1.5m are underrun, the performers do not wear a mask.
Notes for blind and visually impaired persons
The performance is accessible for blind persons and persons with visual disabilities. If needed, we offer a pick-up service from the Eberswalder Straße subway station. Registration at: knrd.anna [at]
It is dark. There is nothing to see. Not a breath of air is stirring. Take a seat, sit back and open your nose and ears! Nothing is particularly beautiful, except perhaps the peace of absence. That is the starting point. In the midst of this darkness, Hysterisches Globusgefühl sets out in search of the beauty of collective experience. Between anarcho-flavours and groping bodies hovers the longing for the beautiful in the beautiful. Everyone desires something and we call this desire beautiful. But the beautiful is an imperative, a norm. And a norm is not beautiful. So should we strive for the beautiful, for truth and the good? Or is it all rubbish and we need to find something else? Smells and sounds mix with text and politics and a whiff of Hysterisches Globusgefühl is in the air.
Hysterisches Globusgefühl is a performance collective from Berlin and Vienna consisting of Elisabeth Lindig, Lea-Sophie Schiel, Arne Schirmel, Milena Seidl, Laura Steinl and Melanie Zipf. Since 2011, the collective has been developing performances that operate at the intersection of art and political action. The works focus on the questions of what politics is or could be, when it happens, and what it means to be political. These questions are addressed from a feminist and queer perspective. The collective also works in solidarity and wholeheartedly against heteronormative patriarchy and develops utopias for an anti-racist, classless, queerfeminist and livable future.