
  • © Maik Gräf

  • © Maik Gräf

Studie von G. Anschütz, Dolomiten 1943.

Simons | Kockel | Kopp | Queins | Schön

What to do with the photos of grandfathers in Nazi uniforms that you find in shoe boxes, photo albums or framed on the sideboard? Our grandparents are dead, but these photos remain. And they raise questions: about the persistence of National Socialist ideology in the family, about our own personal Nazi background and about our ideas of what masculinity should be.

The grandparents’ sideboard becomes a stage on which the front photographs of our grandfathers are transformed into life-size drawings. Gradually, a performative comic is created in which Marie Simons and her collective take apart the old photographs, paint over them and question their impact on their own queer biography.


Marie Simons, Dennis Dieter Kopp, Nikolaus Kockel, Nora Schön and Angela Queins work at the interface of visual and performative arts. The group is united by a theoretical and practical examination of critical masculinity research and an intersectional understanding of feminism and queer identities.


Content note: The play deals with National Socialism and contains National Socialist language.

Past Dates
  • Jan 19, 2024
  • Jan 20, 2024
  • Jan 21, 2024


15 | 10 Euros
Tickets can be purchased by phone, mail or online.
For online tickets, 10% presale fee and 2,- Euro service fee are charged in addition to the basic ticket price by the provider Reservix.


70 minutes


German, english translation as printout for reading along

Direction, text

Marie Simons

Stage, text

Nikolaus Kockel

Performance, text

Dennis Dieter Kopp

Costumes, text

Angela Queins


René Reith


Malte Schmidt

Performance, paintings, text

Nora Schön

Many thanks to Mine Pleasure Bouvar Wenzel and the Amadeu Antonio Foundation.

A production by Marie Simons & Kollektiv in cooperation with Ballhaus Ost / LICHTHOF Theater Hamburg. Supported by the Hamburg Ministry of Culture and Media, the Hamburgische Kulturstiftung, the ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius, the Claussen-Simon-Stiftung and the Rudolf Augstein Stiftung.

Berlin guest performance supported by the Rusch Foundation.